Nodes Library

CategoryGroupNode NameDescriptionInputsOutputs
SourcesAll PlayersGets all players currently in the game.Players (players)
SourcesRandom ValuesRandom NumberGenerates a random number between 0 and 1.Random Number (float)
SourcesRandom ValuesRandom ColorGenerates a random color.RandomColor (color)
SourcesGame Time
SourcesEmpty ListEmpty Number List
SourcesEmpty ListEmpty Text List
SourcesEmpty ListEmpty True/False List
SourcesEmpty ListEmpty Position List
SourcesEmpty ListEmpty Orientation List
SourcesEmpty ListEmpty Object List
SourcesEmpty ListEmpty Player List
SourcesEmpty ListEmpty Orientation List
SourcesThis Object
SourcesObjectObject Source
SourcesObjectObject List Source
OperatorsNumber OperationsA + BAddition: A + B = Result.A (float) B (float)Sum (float)
OperatorsNumber OperationsA - BSubtraction: A - B = Result.A (float) B (float)Result (float)
OperatorsNumber OperationsA × BMultiplication: A × B = Result.A (float) B (float)Result (float)
OperatorsNumber OperationsA / BDivision: A / B = Result.A (float) B (float)Result (float)
OperatorsNumber OperationsA % BModulo: A % B = Result. Divides two numbers and outputs the remainder of the division.A (float) B (float)Result (float)
OperatorsNumber OperationsA = BResults in true when number A equals number B.A (float) B (float)Result (bool)
OperatorsNumber OperationsA ≥ BResults in true when number A equals B or A is greater than B.A (float) B (float)Result (bool)
OperatorsNumber OperationsA ≤ BResults in true when number A equals B or A is less than B.A (float) B (float)Result (bool)
OperatorsNumber OperationsA > BResults in true when number A is greater than B.A (float) B (float)Result (bool)
OperatorsNumber OperationsA < BResults in true when number A is less than B.A (float) B (float)Result (bool)
OperatorsNumber OperationsRound AA (float)Result
OperatorsNumber Operations-1 × ANegation: -1 × A = Result.A (float)Result (float)
OperatorsProperty ExtractorsGet HealthGets a player’s health.Player (player)Health (number)
OperatorsProperty ExtractorsGet Max HealthGets the maximum value of a player’s health.Player (player)Max Health (number)
OperatorsProperty ExtractorsGet LivesGets a player’s lives.Player (player)Lives (number)
OperatorsProperty ExtractorsGet Max LivesGets the maximum number of a player’s lives.Player (player)Max Lives (number)
OperatorsProperty ExtractorsPlayer PositionGets the position of a player.Player (player)Position (position)
OperatorsProperty ExtractorsPlayer OrientationGets the orientation of a player.Player (player)Orientation (orientation)
OperatorsProperty ExtractorsGet ScoreGets the score of a player.Player (player)Score (float)
OperatorsProperty ExtractorsGet TeamGets the team of a player.Player (player)Team (team)
OperatorsProperty ExtractorsObject PositionGets the position of an object.Object (object)Position (position)
OperatorsProperty ExtractorsObject OrientationGets the orientation of an object.Object (object)Orientation (orientation)
OperatorsBoolean OperationsNegateInputOutput
OperatorsBoolean OperationsA==BA BResult
OperatorsBoolean OperationsAndA BTrue/False
OperatorsBoolean OperationsOrA BResultA B
OperatorsBoolean OperationsXORA BResult
OperatorsBoolean OperationsAllBooleanTrue/False
OperatorsBoolean OperationsAnyBooleanTrue/False
OperatorsComparisonsCompare ColorsDetermines if two colors are the same.Color A(Hex code) Color B (Hex code)Same? (bool)
OperatorsComparisonsCompare ObjectsDetermines if two objects are the same.Object A (object) Object B (object)Same? (bool)
OperatorsComparisonsCompare PlayersDetermines if two players are the same.Player A (player) Player B (player)Same? (bool)
OperatorsComparisonsCompare TeamsDetermines if two teams are the same.Team A (team) Team B (team)Same? (bool)
OperatorsComparisonsCompare PositionsDetermines if two positions are the same.Position A (vector) Position B (vector)Same? (bool)
OperatorsComparisonsCompare OrientationsDetermines if two orientations are the same.Orientation A (vector) Orientation B (vector)Same? (bool)
OperatorsComparisonsCompare TextsDetermines if two texts are the same.Text A (text field) Text B (text field)Same? (bool)
OperatorsComparisonsCompare VectorsDetermines if two vectors are the same.Vector A (vector) Vector B (vector)Same? (bool)
OperatorsPosition OperationsObject Offset PositionGets the position of an object with an offset taking the object rotation into account.Object (object) Offset (position)Result Position (position)
OperatorsPosition OperationsPlayer Offset PositionGets the position of a player with an offset taking the player rotation into account.Player (player) Offset (position)Result Position (position)
OperatorsPosition OperationsRandom PositionPicks a random position.Center (vector) Extent X (number) Extent Y (number) Extent Z (number)Position (position)
OperatorsPosition OperationsDirectionConverts a direction vector to an orientation. Note that the input vector doesn’t represent the three Euler angles.From (position) To (position)Orientation (orientation)
OperatorsPosition OperationsDistanceCalculates the distance between two positions.From (position) To (position)Distance (float)
OperatorsPosition OperationsIn Line Of SightChecks whether two positions are in the line of sight of each other and outputs true or false.From (position) To (position)True Or False (bool)
OperatorsBoolean List OperationsAppend
OperatorsBoolean List OperationsPick First
OperatorsBoolean List OperationsPick Reverse
OperatorsBoolean List OperationsShuffle
OperatorsBoolean List OperationsSize
OperatorsNumber List OperationsAppend
OperatorsNumber List OperationsMax
OperatorsNumber List OperationsMin
OperatorsNumber List OperationsPick First
OperatorsNumber List OperationsReverse
OperatorsNumber List OperationsShuffle
OperatorsNumber List OperationsSize
OperatorsObject List OperationsAppend
OperatorsObject List OperationsPick First
OperatorsObject List OperationsReverse
OperatorsObject List OperationsShuffle
OperatorsObject List OperationsSize
OperatorsOrientation List OperationsAppend
OperatorsOrientation List OperationsPick First
OperatorsOrientation List OperationsReverse
OperatorsOrientation List OperationsShuffle
OperatorsOrientation List OperationsSize
OperatorsPlayer List OperationsAppend
OperatorsPlayer List OperationsPick First
OperatorsPlayer List OperationsReverse
OperatorsPlayer List OperationsShuffle
OperatorsPlayer List OperationsSize
OperatorsPosition List OperationsAppend Position
OperatorsPosition List OperationsPick First Position
OperatorsPosition List OperationsReverse Position List
OperatorsPosition List OperationsShuffle Positions
OperatorsPosition List OperationsSize Positions
OperatorsString List OperationsAppend Text
OperatorsString List OperationsPick First Text
OperatorsString List OperationsReverse Text List
OperatorsString List OperationsShuffle Texts
OperatorsString List OperationsSize Texts
OperatorsTeam OperationsGet ScoreGets the score of a team.Team (team)Score (float)
OperatorsTeam OperationsSplit by TeamFilters players by team from a given list of players.Team (team) Players (players)Players Of Team (players) Players Of Other Team (players)
OperatorsVector OperationsVector Negation
OperatorsVector OperationsNormalize VectorNormalizes a vector so it has a length of 1.Vector (vector)Normalized Vector (vector)
OperatorsVector OperationsVector AdditionAddition: Vector A + Vector B = Result VectorVector A (vector) Vector B (vector)Result Vector (vector)
OperatorsVector OperationsVector SubtractionSubtraction: Vector A - Vector B = Result Vector.Vector A (vector) Vector B (vector)Result Vector (vector)
OperatorsVector OperationsMultiply VectorMultiplication: Vector × Number = Result Vector. Changes the length of a vector.Vector (vector) Number (float)Result Vector (vector)
OperatorsVector OperationsVector Magnitude
OperatorsVector OperationsVector From ComponentsCreates a vector from single value.X (float) Y (float) Z (float)Vector (vector)
OperatorsVector OperationsPosition To VectorTurns a position into a vector.Position (position)Vector (vector)
OperatorsVector OperationsVector From OrientationConverts a vector to a position.Vector (vector)Position (position)
OperatorsVector OperationsVector To PositionConverts a vector to a position.Vector (vector)Position (position)
OperatorsVector OperationsVector From Orientation
OperatorsVector OperationsVector To Orientation