Blocks Library

CategoryBlock NameGroupDescription
TriggerGame StartsActivates when the game starts.
TriggerPlayer JoinsActivates once a player enters a game.
TriggerPeriodicallyActivates every N-th second.
TriggerPlayer Touches ObjectTouched by PlayerActivates when the player touches an object.
TriggerPlayer Stops Touching ObjectTouched by PlayerActivates when the object stops touching a player.
TriggerPlayer Keeps Touching ObjectTouched by PlayerActivates periodically while the object touches a player.
TriggerInteractionActivates when a player interacts with an object.
TriggerHitActivates when hit by a player weapon.
TriggerObject Touches ObjectTouched by ObjectActivates when the object touches another object.
TriggerObject Stops Touching ObjectTouched by ObjectActivates when the object stops touching another object.
TriggerObject Keeps Touching ObjectTouched by ObjectActivates periodically while the object touches another object.
TriggerPlain EventReceive EventReceives a plain event.
TriggerPlayer EventReceive EventReceives a plain event.
TriggerObject EventReceive EventReceives an event with an object.
TriggerTrue or False EventReceive EventReceives an event with a true or false.
TriggerNumber EventReceive EventReceives an event with a number.
TriggerText EventReceive EventReceives an event with a text.
TriggerPosition EventReceive EventReceives an event with a position.
TriggerOrientation EventReceive EventReceives an event with an orientation.
TriggerClonedExecutes on a freshly cloned object.
Game ActionsAdd ScoreScoresGive player score.
Game ActionsSet ScoreScoresSet a player’s score.
Game ActionsIncrement HealthHealth & LivesIncreases the health of a player.
Game ActionsKill PlayerHealth & LivesInitiates a player’s death including losing a life and respawn.
Game ActionsIncrement LivesHealth & LivesAdds lives for the player.
Game ActionsSet HealthHealth & LivesSet a player’s health.
Game ActionsSet Maximum HealthHealth & LivesSet the maximum health players can have.
Game ActionsSet Maximum LivesHealth & LivesSet the maximum lives for players.
Game ActionsSet LivesHealth & LivesSets the lives of a player.
Game ActionsEnd GameEnd GameEnds the game for all players simultaneously.
Game ActionsEnd Game For PlayerEnd GameEnds the game for one player.
Game ActionsRespawnSpawningRespawns a player.
Game ActionsSet CheckpointSpawningSets a checkpoint for a player to respawn.
Game ActionsLaunch UpwardsMovementLaunches a player upwards.
Game ActionsSet Player Jump StyleMovementDefines if a player can (double) jump or can’t jump at all.
Game ActionsSet Speed MultiplierMovementSets the speed multiplier for a player.
Game ActionsIncrement Speed MultiplierMovementAdds to the speed multiplier.
Game ActionsBypass inputMovementBypass a player’s input.
Game ActionsSet Player PositionMovementSet a player’s position.
Game ActionsSet TeamTeamsSet the team of a player to a team number (will be rounded). 0 means no team.
Game ActionsAdd Team ScoreTeamsAdd to the score of a team.
Game ActionsSet Team ScoreTeamsSets the score of a team.
Game ActionsWaitWait for n seconds.
Game ActionsSet WeaponWeaponsEquips the player with a weapon.
Game ActionsRemove WeaponWeaponsRemoves a weapon of a player.
ControllersLoop N TimesLoopExecutes steps a number of times.
ControllersLoop InfinitelyLoopRepeats infinitely.
ControllersLoop ObjectsLoopLoops over Objects in a list.
ControllersLoop PlayersLoopLoops over the Players in a list.
ControllersLoop True or FalseLoopLoops over True or False values in a list.
ControllersLoop NumbersLoopLoops over the Numbers in a list.
ControllersLoop OrientationsLoopLoops over the Orientations in a list.
ControllersLoop PositionsLoopLoops over the Positions in a list.
ControllersLoop TextLoopLoops over the Texts in a list.
ControllersIf Else ExecutionBranchingExecutes either one or the other branch depending on a condition.
ControllersNumber SwitchBranchingDecide what to do based on a number.
ControllersOptionalDo something based on a true or false condition.
ControllersLock AllLocksLocks up until finished.
ControllersLock Per NumberLocksLocks up until finished for a given number.
ControllersLock Per PlayerLocksLocks up until finished for a given player.
Object ActionsEnable PhysicsPhysicsActivates physics for an object, allowing it to interact with environment, players and other objects..
Object ActionsDisable PhysicsPhysicsDeactivates physics for an object, preventing it from interacting with environment, players and other objects.
Object ActionsAdd ForcePhysicsAdds a continuous force to an object over a period of time
Object ActionsAdd ImpulsePhysicsApplies an immediate force to an object, causing an instantaneous change in motion.
Object ActionsAdd TorquePhysicsApplies rotational force to an object.
Object ActionsSet Object PositionObject PropertiesSets the position of an object.
Object ActionsScale ObjectObject PropertiesScales an object along its axes.
Object ActionsSet Object OrientationObject PropertiesSets the orientation of an object.
Object ActionsSet SolidityObject PropertiesSet whether an object is solid.
Object ActionsSet ColorObject PropertiesSet the color of the object using hex codes.
Object ActionsSpinObject MovementSpins the object around its axes for the given duration.
Object ActionsOrbitObject MovementRotates the object around a given central position for the specified duration.
Object ActionsBounceObject MovementLets an object bounce. The start speed is double the first jump’s average speed.
Object ActionsMove TowardsObject MovementMoves the object towards a given position.
Object ActionsRotate TowardsObject MovementRotates the object until it reaches a defined orientation.
Object ActionsScale TowardsObject MovementScale an object towards a factor.
Object ActionsAttach To ObjectAttachAttaches an object to another object (target). Use “Stop Position Movement” to detach.
Object ActionsAttach To PlayerAttachAttaches an object to a player (target). Use “Stop Animation” to detach.
Object ActionsCancel AnimationCancel any movement. Steps after the movement will not be executed.
Object ActionsClone ObjectCreates a clone of the given object with all its properties.
Object ActionsDestroy ObjectDestroys an object.
Object ActionsWaitWait for n seconds.
EffectsPlay Particle EffectObject EffectsShows a particle effect on an object.
EffectsObject TrailObject EffectsAdds a trail to an object.
EffectsPlay AnimationObject EffectsPlays an object animation. Not every object provides all animation types.
EffectsText on ObjectObject EffectsShows a text on an object.
EffectsText with Variable on ObjectObject EffectsShows a variable with text around it on an object.
EffectsPlay Particle EffectPlayer EffectsShows a particle effect on a player.
EffectsPlayer Trail Player EffectsAdds a trail to a player.
EffectsSet Player Camera ModeSets the player’s camera mode.
EffectsSet Player’s SkyPlayer EnvironmentSpecifies how the sky looks like for a player.
EffectsSet HorizonPlayer EnvironmentSpecifies how the horizon looks like for a player.
EffectsSet SunPlayer EnvironmentSpecifies how the sun looks like for a player.
EffectsSet WeatherPlayer EnvironmentSets the weather effects for a player.
EffectsSet FogPlayer EnvironmentSets the environment’s fog thickness (from 0 to 1) for a player.
EffectsPlay MusicSoundPlays background music.
EffectsStop MusicSoundStops the background music.
EffectsSound on ObjectSoundLets an object play a sound. You can define an offset to the object position.
EffectsSound on PlayerSoundLets a player play a sound. You can define an offset to the player position.
EffectsText on HUDPlayer HUD TextShows a text in the HUD of a player.
EffectsText on HUD with VariablePlayer HUD TextShows a text in the HUD of a player with one variable value.
EffectsStart CountdownCountdownStarts a countdown in the HUD of a player.
EffectsStop CountdownCountdownStops a countdown in the HUD of a player.
EffectsAdjust CountdownCountdownAdds or removes time from a running countdown for a player.
EffectsPause CountdownCountdownPauses a running countdown for a player.
EffectsResume CountdownCountdownResumes a paused countdown for a player.
EffectsWaitWait for n seconds.
MiscellaneousSet Number VariableSet VariableStores a number for an object based on a variable name.
MiscellaneousSet True Or False VariableSet VariableStores true or false for an object based on a variable name.
MiscellaneousSet Text VariableSet VariableStores a text for an object based on a variable name.
MiscellaneousSet Vector VariableSet VariableStores a vector for an object based on a variable name.
MiscellaneousSet Color VariableSet VariableStores a color in a variable.
MiscellaneousSet Orientation VariableSet VariableStores an orientation in a variable.
MiscellaneousSet Position VariableSet VariableStores a position value for an object based on a variable name.
MiscellaneousSet Object VariableSet VariableStores an object in a variable.
MiscellaneousSet Player VariableSet VariableStores a player in a variable.
MiscellaneousIncrement Number VariableSet VariableAdd to a number variable.
MiscellaneousSet Number List VariableSet VariableStores a list of numbers based on a variable name.
MiscellaneousSet Text List VariableSet VariableStores a list of texts based on a variable name.
MiscellaneousSet True/False List VariableSet VariableStores a list of True/False values.
MiscellaneousSet Position List VariableSet VariableStores a list of Positions.
MiscellaneousSet Orientation List VariableSet VariableStores a list of Orientations.
MiscellaneousSet Object List VariableSet VariableStores a list of Objects.
MiscellaneousSet Player List VariableSet VariableStores a list of Players.
MiscellaneousPlain Event Send EventSends a plain event.
MiscellaneousSend Object EventSend EventSends an event with an object.
MiscellaneousSend Player EventSend EventSends an event with a player.
MiscellaneousSend Boolean EventSend Event?
MiscellaneousSend Number EventSend EventSend an event with a number.
MiscellaneousSend Orientation EventSend EventSend an event with an orientation.
MiscellaneousSend Position EventSend EventSends an event with a position.
MiscellaneousSend Text EventSend EventSends an event with a text.
MiscellaneousDebug ObjectDebugOutput object to the player HUD for debugging.
MiscellaneousDebug PlayerDebugOutput player to the player HUD for debugging.
MiscellaneousDebug BooleanDebugOutput True or False to the player HUD for debugging.
MiscellaneousDebug Number DebugOutput number to the player HUD for debugging.
MiscellaneousDebug Orientation DebugOutput orientation to the player HUD for debugging.
MiscellaneousDebug PositionDebugOutput position to the player HUD for debugging.
MiscellaneousDebug Text DebugOutput text to the player HUD for debugging.
MiscellaneousDebug Vector DebugOutput vector to the player HUD for debugging.
MiscellaneousDebug VariableDebugOutput a variable value to the player HUD for debugging.
MiscellaneousWaitWait for n seconds.
MiscellaneousShow Hint PopupPlayer HUD TextDisplays a hint for the given player.