You’re creating a game and you’re wondering what the buttons do? Here’s an explanation:

When no Object is selected:

  • Top Left corner
    • Orange Hamburger menu: opens a menu with the following options:
      • Orange button - tap it if you want to leave the editor and return to your creations screen.
      • Posting setting - opens a view from where you can post, name and set thumbnails for your game.
      • Multiplayer settings - opens a view from where you can decide whether you game is a single- or a multiplayer and adjust max and min players.
      • Game rules - opens a view from where you can set time limits, scores and leaderboards.
      • In addition, links to YouTube, Discord and this guide
  • Bottom Right:
    • Arrows ↩️ and ↪: tap them to Undo or Redo any action you did in the world.
    • Play ▶️: Tap this Button to Playtest your game.

When an Object or Group is selected:

  • Top Left corner:
    • Multiselecting: allows you to select different objects and then you can perform actions on all of them.
    • Grouping: when you have a few objects selected with Multi-select, you can group these objects together.
    • Duplicating: you can create an identical copy of an object or a group of objects next to, above, or below the selected object or group of objects
    • Details: open a menu with more object properties on the right part of the screen.
  • Bottom Left corner:
    • Delete: you can delete the selected object or group of objects.
  • Floating transform panel on the selected object or group of objects:
    • Scale objects by holding down the scale button: move it right to make objects bigger, left to make them smaller.
      • when tapped (the color of the button is white) - additional scaling options would appear to scale the object in X, Y, Z directions. Only works for a single object.
    • Rotate around the Y-axis by holding down the rotate button.
      • when tapped (the color of the button is white) - additional rotating options would appear to rotate the object in X, Y, Z directions. Works for both a single object and a group of objects.
    • Move objects by holding down the move button.
      • when tapped (the color of the button is white) - additional moving options would appear to move the object in X, Y, Z directions. Works for both a single object and a group of objects.